FMT - Fourth Millennium Technologies
FMT stands for Fourth Millennium Technologies
Here you will find, what does FMT stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fourth Millennium Technologies? Fourth Millennium Technologies can be abbreviated as FMT What does FMT stand for? FMT stands for Fourth Millennium Technologies. What does Fourth Millennium Technologies mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Houston, Texas.
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Alternative definitions of FMT
- Ferment
- Fremont General Corporation
- Freemont
- Ferment
- Style sheet (Sprint)
- Force Management Team
- Format file (dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper 5 - dBFast - Gate3)
- Fivemiletown
View 55 other definitions of FMT on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FRAL Fox Ridge Assisted Living
- FMR Fishback Management and Research
- FMF Faculty of Management Fam
- FSP Flagstaff Sustainability Program
- FPAA Football Player Academy Amsterdam
- FLC Fundamental Learning Center
- FLG Food Links Group
- FEM Fire Engineering Magazine
- FBS Frost Bake Shop
- FFPL Freedom Financial Planning Ltd.
- FITSPL Flair IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
- FME Family Medical Establishment
- FHD Fairfield Hospital District
- FGSLL FGS Logistics Ltd
- FCRE Factor Commercial Real Estate
- FST French Side Travel
- FCSI Food Circus Supermarkets Inc
- FJC Franklin Juice Co.